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Hey there Shaun! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do give commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with the coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us 45-60 MINUTES 3-5 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Perform a handstand wall walk up with your belly towards the wall. Stack hips over your shoulders and slowly let legs slide down the wall. As legs come down, bend your elbows and allow knees to land on triceps. Push back up into the starting position.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps
Description: Start this move in a straddle with your arms behind your legs. Point your toes and stalder lift both legs up at the same time. Hold that contraction and use your arms and core to lift your pelvis off the floor.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps
Description: Begin in a deep horse stance as low as you can do with your arms pinned to your ears. Perform a squat jump landing in the same position you started in.
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps.
Description: Begin this move with your legs tucked up to your chest. Then attempt to flex your shoulders and bring your body up so it is parallel to the floor. Hold this position maintaining hollowbody spine and alternate kicking 1 leg straight.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 extensions each leg
Description: Stand with the pole on one of your sides. Hold the leg further away from the pole out in front of you. Cross one leg over the other, and perform a pistol squat as far down as you can control with help form the pole for balance.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps per direction
Description: This move starts by kicking up into a handstand. The goal is to stack your hips over your shoulders while making sure your core remains contracted. Then lift one leg off the wall with good control then bring your second leg off the wall and hold the handstand.
Goal: 3 rounds of 2 handstand holds for as long as you can hold it
Description: Start in a horse stance squat. You will then give a bit of a jump and cross your legs then jump again and land in a horse stance squat.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Begin in a pike with 1 leg lifted. Attempt to keep your body in this position while doing a 360 degree turn.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each direction.
Description: Start in hanging. You will then engage your lower core to work to bring your feet to the bar between your hands. You will then lower your legs away from the bar as low as you can before you bring your legs back to the bar. DO NOT KIP.
Goal: 3 Rounds of 10 reps
Description: Work on single leg squats as shown in this demo video with a chair behind you.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps per leg
Goal: 30 second holds per leg
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal: 1 round at end of workout for cooldown. 30-60 second holds per move, otherwise 5 reps per move
Description: Start with your elbows on the floor and feet behind (modified push-up position). You then will kick-up your feet to the wall allowing your back to arch while keeping your legs bent. *Be sure to look down at your hands as you complete this move.
Goal: 3 rounds of 1 rep per side.
Description: Begin with your hands at an appropriate distance away from the wall. Raise one foot on to the wall in a straddled position then the second leg. Extend away from the wall as far as you can control to planche over your wrists.
Goal: 3 rounds of 2 reps of 10 sec holds
Description: This move starts in a tall plank on your hands. You will then cross one of your legs under your other leg and across your body. You will then drop one arm down to elbow followed by the other arm. Then push back up onto your hands. Perform 5 reps then switch legs.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps (each leg)
Description: Begin in the flare stance, then walk your feet around the world as the video shows without touching your hips to the floor.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each direction.
Description: Use your core to hold your knees up to your chest. Push through your arms to lift your hips up off the floor.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps with 1-2 second holds at top
Description: You will jump with your arms over head as high as you can, land and roll your body backwards making sure your spine is in a hollowbody shape to prevent discomfort. Then continue the momentum forward and come back into standing and immediately jump again. This should be continuous movement to get your heart rate pumping!
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Get into a handstand with your belly towards the wall, core tight and back not arched. Carefully bend and straighten your elbows to perform a handstand push-up. With time and strength, bend your elbows deeper to perform a full push-up.
GOAL: 3 rounds of 1 handstand with 5-10 push-ups
Description: Start in sitting with your hands on a block or similar item with legs wide. You will then place your hands in between your legs. Lean forward working your core compression while strongly pushing through your triceps to lift your bottom. Once your bottom is off the ground, you will then work to straighten both legs.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Walk feet up the wall until you attain a handstand position. Then 1 leg at a time you will do circles with that leg being sure to keep the circles even and not rotating your hips away from the wall to compensate for any tightness.
Goal: 3 rounds of 7 reps per side.
Description: Start with hands as far apart as possible with top hand thumb facing up and bottom hand thumb facing down. Lift top leg in the air as high as possible and kick off bottom foot attempting to lift body into the flag position.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each side