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Hey there Ose! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do give commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with the coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us 45-60 MINUTES 3-5 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal: 1 round at start of workout for warm-up, 10 second holds if holds, 10 reps if reps per move
Description: Start in a frog with knees to elbows. You will then engage your core to allow you to lift 1 both legs up simultaneously in small pulses.
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start with hands on blocks kicking up to a handstand. You will then shift your weight to allow your hands to step down from the blocks on the outside of the blocks, then returning hands back onto the blocks. This is 1 rep.
**The wall is there to help balance. Be sure that you leave a bit of space between the blocks and the walls.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps per side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Focus on your false grip to complete this move. Be sure to pull super high for your transition
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: You will complete push-ups as demonstrated in this video, but you will hold 1 leg in the air as you do this. Be sure to hold your core active to turtle shell the entire time as well
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps per side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps per side with 10 second holds per rep
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start with both feet on wall, work to lift 1 leg off the wall as you complete your push-ups
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Work on getting body parallel, glutes engaged and core supporting you to hold the flag position. You will then lift up onto your toe to work towards human flags
Goal: 3 rounds of 30 second holds per side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 30 seconds every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This is your ninja kata. Focus on good control and holds of 3 seconds per movement
Goal: 3 Rounds of 2 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 2 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Focus to open your hips without rotating to maximize your stretch into a full split. Start in a plank, walk into the split then walk back out to the plank without allowing the lifted leg to touch the ground.
Goal: 3 rounds of 15 reps per side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 15 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Work on high pulls holding a tennis/racquet ball to work your false grip position and height of pull-ups for future bar muscle-ups
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 pulses
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal: 1 round at end of workout for cooldown. 30-60 second holds per move, otherwise 5 reps per move
Description: Walk up into a handstand on the wall. You will hold a hollow body position as you begin to slide your feet down the wall to go into a tucked planche position before you pull your legs through your arms into the v-stand
Goal: 3 Rounds, 5 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Work your hip range of motion by staying low and rotating within that low posture.
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps each side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in a seated V with legs bent. Lift your body off the floor and scoot yourself forward.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps
Extra Notes: It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Goal: 3 rounds of 7 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 7 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Follow along to keep progressing your handstand work. Focus on stacking your hips over and then past your shoulders to open them up.
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Work both directions here with focus of hips high and lessening the weight through your feet.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps per side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Using a 5 pound weight on your legs and held in your hands you will hold hollowbody for 60 seconds then turn over and repeat with same weights in superman hold for 60 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between reps.
Goal: 3 rounds of 2 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 2 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Work this kata to work into handstand katas.
Goal: 3 rounds of 2 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 2 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in a pike position and then work on twisting into a bridge and back out.
Goal: 3 rounds of 4 reps per direction
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!