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Hey there Marty! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do is give commitment and a wee bit ‘o courage. Talk with your coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us ~45-60 MINUTES 3-5 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Form over number of reps always! Listen to your body!
Pick 4-6 moves and build a circuit for each workout! Follow reps and holds as instructed!
Description: Begin in a plank on elbows. Rotate one leg over the other while rotating on one shoulder as far as you can. Hold for 10 seconds then return to a plank. Rotate the opposite direction.
Goal: 4 rounds of 5 reps each direction x 5 second holds
Description: Hold a hanging hollowbody with your core tight and lower back rounded/tucked x 5 seconds. Then control the transition to hanging superman x 5 seconds.
Goal: 4 rounds of 5 reps x 5 second holds each position
Description: Start in sitting with legs wide. You will then place 1 hand on each side of 1 leg. You will then lean forward working your core compression while strongly pushing through your triceps to lift your bottom. Once your bottom is off the ground, you will then work to lift the leg between your hands up and off the ground by crunching your core.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps each side
Description: Start with hands flat on the floor. Walk feet near hands and lean knees against bent elbows. Lean forward to increase weight on hands then lift the legs to balance. Maintain that forward lean with hips stacked over your hands and shoulders and then lift both legs and straighten arms into handstand.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3-5 reps
Description: Hanging on a pull-up bar or equivalent surface, use your core to lift your legs into an L. You will then use your core and shoulders to touch your toes up to the pole.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps
Description: This move starts in a tall plank position with your feet close to the wall. As you walk your hands backwards towards the wall, walk your feet up the wall. Use your core to keep your lower back from arching.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3 reps x 10 second holds
Extra Notes: Give yourself time between reps so you don’t get a headache or dizzy. Your body will get more use to inverting with practice.
Description: Begin close to a sturdy object or wall. Place feet up while keeping knees straight. Use your core and arms to lift and hold your hips off the floor. Adjust feet as necessary. Then squeeze your quad (front of thigh) to lift one leg off the wall.
Goal: 4 rounds of 5-8 lifts each leg
Description: Hanging on a pull-up bar or equivalent surface, use your core to lift your legs into a L with knees extended. You will then use your core and shoulders to rotate your legs from one side to another.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3 reps each direction
Description: Start with hands flat on the floor. Walk feet near hands and lean knees against bent elbows. Lean forward to increase weight on hands then lift the legs to balance. Maintain that forward lean with hips stacked over your hands and shoulders and then lift 1 leg up off the elbows and return with control.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps per leg