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Hey there Lawrence! Here’s your custom program. All you have to do is a little each day with commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with your coach to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. We will give you the explicit instructions to follow to maximize your training while keeping you from injuring yourself. Just give us a couple minutes each day of solid effort and you’re going to skyrocket your training. Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal:10 second holds per move for warm-up, 30 second holds per move for cool-down if holds, otherwise 5 reps per move for warm-up and cool down
Description: Stand with your feet together and arms straight over your head with a straight object held between your hands. Keep your trunk straight and pointed foward as you side bend as far as you can in one direction.
Goal: 2 rounds 10 sec hold, 5 times each direction.
Description: Start standing with hands on a surface waist height or higher. Then walk feet backwards and bend at hips to allow the shoulders to open. *Focus to ensure that your back doesn’t arch and the movement comes from your shoulders.*
Goal: 30 S HOLD
Goal: 2 rounds each side 15 s hold per leg
Goal: 1 round hold for 30 s
Goal: 2 rounds per leg 30 s each side
Description: Hold onto something sturdy with your hands. Use your core to bring your legs up to your hands. Continue to contract your core to keep your hips up off the ground as you slowly lower one leg at a time. Make sure you keep your knees as straight as possible for a good posterior chain stretch.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps each leg.
Description: Follow the video
Goal: 2 rounds of 3 reps each side
Description: Stand with your back to your stall bars or similar surface. Relax your arms down by your side and hold on to the stall bar. Then perform a forward fold while keeping your knees straight.
Goal: 15 second holds x 4 reps.
Description: Begin in a steep pike on your elbows with your feet at the base of the wall. Elevate one leg up onto the wall and straighten your leg as much as you can. Make sure your pelvis stays square.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps per leg
Description: Begin by laying on your back. Grab the inside of both your feet as the video shows then pull your knees toward your armpits. Attempt to straighten your knees as much as you can.
Goal: 15 sec holds x 3 reps
Description: Follow the video to do a stalder squat. The goal is to be able to hold the position while lifting one leg at a time (then eventually both feet), but to begin you may need to focus on squatting and weight bearing through your arms.
Goal: 2 rounds of 6 reps.
Description: Start standing with feet wider than your shoulders. Then squat as deep as you can. You will then shift towards one side and sweep the opposite leg in front and then back to the side. Shift to the other side and repeat.
Goal: 2 rounds of 8 reps each direction
Description: Get into your frog stand with your feet near the wall so that as you balance your feet are assisting you. Maintain a forward lean with hips stacked over your hands and shoulders and then lift 1 leg up off the elbows and return with control.
Goal: 2 rounds of 3 reps per leg.
Description: Begin with your body in a pike position in a hollowbody shape. Perform a push up assuring only your elbows/shoulders are moving but you are keeping the angle at your hips the same.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5-8 push ups.
Description: Begin by doing a handstand wall walk up. Bring your “stance” foot to your hip height so you are in a piked handstand. Touch the floor with your other foot then raise it back up straight into a handstand. Your stance foot remains in the same place throughout all your reps.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps each leg.
Description: Start by inverting your body holding onto a bar or the underside of a couch/bed. Then lower your body keeping your core active to lessen any hip bending. You then will lift your body back up to an inverted position. **You can allow your knees to bend and touch the floor if you cannot lower and return to inverted position without.
Goal: 2 Rounds, 10 reps per round.
Description: Begin in a normal push-up stance. Walk your arms out as far as you can go. Perform a push-up with good form.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5-10 push-ups
Description: This move starts by laying flat on your stomach with your arms overhead. Using your lats, pull yourself up into a forearm plank position. Then use core to pull up into a pike. Slow and controlled, come back down into a plank and then flat on the floor.
Goal: 2 rounds of 6 reps
Description: Hang from your pull up bar or rings in a tucked up position. Straighten your knees into an L extension then return to a tucked up position.
Goal: 2 rounds of 15 reps
Description: Begin about 2-3 feet in front of a surface. Place a foot on the surface then perform a static lunge as the video shows. Makes sure your front knee tracks over your feet and does not drop inward or outward.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps each leg.
Description: Start sitting on floor with legs out straight and toes pointed. Position hands on floor in front of hips trying for near middle of the thigh. Lean forward and give a strong push with your triceps and shoulders downward to lift your bottom. Hold your hips up as you slide your feet inward to attain a bent knee v-stand position.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Begin in a hollowbody pike with one leg elevated behind you. Lower the top of your head towards the floor until you can weight shift all the weight into your arms. Kick both your feet up for a second maintaining legs straight.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 push ups. Switch elevated leg after 5 reps.
Description: Begin in a pike position and elevate one leg up behind you. Keep that knee straight the entire time. While keeping that leg from touching the floor, rotate your body and shoulders to come into a table top position. Focus on keeping your hips up throughout and do not let your bottom drop. Rotate back into a pike.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps each direction