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Hey there Jenny! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do is give commitment and a wee bit ‘o courage. Talk with your coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us ~45-60 MINUTES 4-6 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Form over number of reps always! Listen to your body!
Description: Start by laying on a firm surface with a pillow under your head. Set your core and make sure your back is flat against the floor. This one takes a little coordination… you will point your toes down and raise your leg up as far as you can THEN bring your toes up and lower your leg back down to the floor. This “flossing” should be done in a nice fluid motion.
STOP this when you feel any pain shooting, tingling, numbness, heat, etc. feelings in your left leg.
If you don’t feel symptoms, stop after 50 repsÂ
Description: Hold onto something sturdy with your hands. Use your core to bring your legs up to your hands. Continue to contract your core to keep your hips up off the ground as you slowly lower one leg at a time. Make sure you keep your knees as straight as possible for a good posterior chain stretch.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each leg.
Description: Hang from a pull up bar or like surface. Raise both legs up and grab the bar with your feet. Attempt to straighten your raised leg to feel a hamstring stretch then lower the other leg into a front split.
Goal: 15 second holds x 2 reps each leg.
Description: This stretch begins while laying on the floor. Bring one knee to your chest, and then straighten that leg. Keep your back flat against the ground. You should feel a strong stretch in the back of your thigh.
Goal: 1 round, 4 reps each leg x 30 second holdsÂ
Description: Begin close to a sturdy object or wall. Place feet up while keeping knees straight. Use your core and arms to lift and hold your hips off the floor. Adjust feet as necessary. Then squeeze your quad (front of thigh) to lift one leg off the wall.Â
GOAL: 3 rounds of 5 lifts each leg.
Description: Start in a stalder with hips a feet off the ground. Using your core, pull hips up and pull legs through into and L stand. Use core to pull back out into a stalder.
Goal: 3 rounds of 4 reps each position
Description: Push up into a bridge from the floor then walk your feet up to an elevated surface (couch, ottoman, chair against a wall). Walk your hands back towards your feet then kick over. Attempt to land with both your feet at the same time.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 walk overs
Description: Push up into a bridge. Weight shift towards your shoulders as far as you can. Hold the bridge as you bend and straighten your elbows to push-up.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 push-ups
Description: Begin in a lunge with your arms up to your ears. Kick up to a handstand using your back leg and land with your lead leg.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps each leg.
Description: Start in a handstand with your feet against the wall and hands on blocks. One hand at a time step off to the outside of the block, then step hands back up onto the blocks.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each arm
Description: Place your elbow between your belly button and front hip bone. Weight shift your body weight forward mainly onto your arms then extend both legs out behind you. Attempt to pulse your secondary arm off the ground.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 pulses each arm
Description: Perform a frog stand with raising one knee.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps
Description: Start by inverting your body holding onto a bar or the underside of a couch/bed. Then lower your body keeping your core active to lessen any hip bending. You then will lift your body back up to an inverted position. **You can allow your knees to bend and touch the floor if you cannot lower and return to inverted position without.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 10 reps per round
Description: Begin in a chin up (palms towards you) grip then attempt to keep your elbows at 90 deg while you change your grip to a pull up (palms away from you) grip.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 switch grips
Description: Begin this move with your legs tucked up to your chest. Then attempt to flex your shoulders and bring your body up so it is parallel to the floor. Hold this position maintaining hollowbody spine and alternate kicking 1 leg straight.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each leg
Description: This move begins with lifting yourself into a pull-up position by using a box or step of some kind. You will focus on control lowering yourself back into the full hang. Use the step to hop back up into a pull-up position again.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps (10 second holds then negative slowly down)
Description: Follow the video to perform a tuck planche transition to/from tricep dip.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps.
Description: Begin in a hollowbody pike with one leg elevated behind you. Lower the top of your head towards the floor until you can weight shift all the weight into your arms. Kick both your feet up for a second maintaining legs straight.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 push ups. Switch elevated leg after 5 reps.
Description: Follow the video to perform a 1 Leg Leaning Squat Stand.
Goal: 3 rounds, 10 reps each leg
Description: Begin in a deep horse stance as low as you can do with your arms pinned to your ears. Perform a squat jump landing in the same position you started in.
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps.
Description: Find a surface about hip height. Put a leg onto the surface in a figure 4 position. You will then lunge as the video shows as deep as you can.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps each leg.