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Hey there Irvin! Here’s your custom program. All you have to do is a little each day with commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with your coach to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. We will give you the explicit instructions to follow to maximize your training while keeping you from injuring yourself. Just give us a couple minutes each day of solid effort and you’re going to skyrocket your training. Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal: 1 round at start of workout for warm-up and 1 round at end of workout for cooldown. 10 second holds per move for warm-up, 30 second holds per move for cool-down
Only do the wrist mobility on your knees!
Description: Do a handstand wall walk up as far as you can. Engaged your core maximally while you stack your hips over your shoulders. Then bring one leg off the wall. Then switch legs.
Goal: 3 rounds 5 attempts
Description: Begin by pressing up into your L-stand. *Do not lose your turtle shell or compression!* Count your seconds so we can monitor your progress!
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 L-stands for as long as you can hold (your hold times should decrease as the rounds go on)
Description: Begin in a hollowbody pike with one leg elevated behind you. Lower the top of your head towards the floor until you can weight shift all the weight into your arms. Kick both your feet up for a second maintaining legs straight.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 push ups. Switch elevated leg after 5 reps.
Description: Start on hands and knees with knees between your hands. You will then lean forward putting more weight through your arms before you contract your core to lift your legs to your chest working on your core compression.
Goal: 3 rounds of10 reps Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Begin in your L-stand. *Do not lose your turtle shell or compression! Squeeze your shoulder blades down and back while you begin contracting your core maximally to rock your feet up.
Goal: 3 rounds of 1 L-stand holding and rocking for as long as you can.
Description: Hanging on a pull-up bar or equivalent surface, use your core to lift your legs into a crunch, knees to chest. You will then use your core and shoulders to rotate your knees from one side to another.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each direction
Description: Start with hands flat on the floor. Walk feet near hands and lean knees against bent elbows. Lean forward to increase weight on hands then lift the legs to balance. Maintain that forward lean with hips stacked over your hands and shoulders and then lift 1 leg up off the elbows and return with control.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps per leg.
Description: This move starts by laying on your back holding a light-weight object. You will then contract your core to lift your legs and arms together bringing the light-weight object from your hand to your feet, returning to lying flat before again repeating the movement to transfer the light-weight object back to your hands. Passing the light-weight object from hand to feet then feet to hands is 1 rep. *Focus to reach your hands to feet each attempt keeping the legs fully straight.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 10 reps per round.
Description: Start in a piked position on the wall balancing on your hands. Push your shoulders out to create stability through your upper body. Lift one leg up to stack it and then tap the ground pushing straight back up after to creat a single leg handstand. Keep your core engaged to prevent arching in your back.
Goal: 3 rounds 10 reps per leg
Description: Use your core to hold your knees up to your chest. Push through your arms to lift your hips up off the floor.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps with 5 second holds
Goal: 3 rounds 12 reps
Description: This is a great coordination move. Begin with your hands on the floor in front of you. You will shift your weight towards your stance leg while straightening out your sweep leg. Begin your sweep out in front of your body and towards your stance leg. Put your weight into your arms and “hop” your stance leg over sweep leg then continue to bring your sweep leg around your body.
Goal: 3 rounds Practice 5 sweeps per leg
Description: Start by performing a handstand wall walk up stopping ~ 1 foot from the wall. Use your core to keep your lower back from arching. Abduct hips into a wide V and slowly lower to the ground.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps
Description: Start in sitting with legs wide. You will then place 1 hand on each side of 1 leg. You will then lean forward working your core compression while strongly pushing through your triceps to lift your bottom. Once your bottom is off the ground, hold the leg up in between your arms and pulse the other foot off the ground.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each side
Description: Begin in an elbow plank holding your hollowbody. Slides your feet towaards one elbow to get an oblique crunch.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps each side.
Description: Start with your elbows on the floor and feet behind (modified push-up position). You then will kick-up your feet to the wall allowing your back to arch while keeping your legs bent. *Be sure to look down at your hands as you complete this move.
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 10 s holds