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Hey Pops! Here’s the deal… commit to rehab for 6 months to give your body sufficient time to try to heal itself. If you go into this thinking it will take a month or two then you will need to have surgery, that is exactly what will happen. BUT if you go into this thinking, “I will do this every day for 6 months to give my body the best chance I can give it to not have surgery.” THEN you actually have a chance. So here are your rules:

1. Perform every day. BEFORE ANY ACTIVITY – even hitting balls in the garage. 

2. If it’s >2 numbers of pain HIGHER that what you started at by the end of the workout, you did too much. If you’re 1-2 numbers higher but it decreases back to where you started within 3-6 hours, that was perfect. If you feel the same after the workout as when you start, time to tell me so I can make it more difficult. 

3. Do not skip a move (unless very painful – then please tell me). Every move I put in here has a purpose. 

4. Check in with me every 2-4 weeks to see what we need to progress. 


Description: Begin on your hands and knees. Set your core and make sure you are not arching your lower back or sinking into your shoulder blades. Thread the needle, then rotate your shoulder to open up your chest.

Goal: 10 reps each arm


Description: Place your chest on a surface where you can have your arms out like the video shows. Make sure to keep your shoulder blades squeezed together and elbows as high as you can. Drop and catch as fast as you can with the goal of the ball not dropping far. 

Goal: 30 sec each arm


Description: Start in sitting with legs as wide as you can. You will then place 1 hand on each side of 1 leg. You will then lean forward working your core compression while strongly pushing through your shoulders to lift your bottom.

Goal: 10 push-ups each side


Description: Start in a tall plank position with core engaged. Perform scapular protraction and retraction while keeping elbows straight.

Goal: 20 reps


Description: Keep your lower body and legs on the floor. Place your arms over head with your elbows straight and palms facing down. Lift your head and shoulders as you raise your arms as high as you can.

Goal: 10 reps


Description: This move starts laying on the ground on your stomach. Then, with your arms flat on the ground above your head, squeeze your shoulder blades down and slightly together. Your arms will help by bending at the elbows to bring the shoulder blades downward as well.

Goal: 10 reps


Description: Begin in supine with your core set. Perform a “crunch” with your upper core keeping your shoulder blades off the floor the entire time. Hold both palms up WITHOUT weights for now. Make a circle beginning at your head, down to your hips, then around back above your head. After 5 reps, switch directions of the circle. Attempt to keep your core up the entire time. 

Goal: Hold the core crunch + 5 circles each direction


Description: Begin with your hands on rings or an appropriately high surface to do chair dips off of. Use your legs as much as you need to perform this comfortably. Perform a tricep dip maintaining your elbows as close to your body as you can.

Goal: 10 reps.


Description: Start with feet on a raised surface such as a bed or chair. You will then walk yourself in towards your feet bending at your hips while keeping your core active working to bring your hips over your shoulders without arching your back then walk back out to the plank.

Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps.