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Hey there Gerald! Here’s your custom program. All you have to do is a little each day with commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with your coach to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. We will give you the explicit instructions to follow to maximize your training while keeping you from injuring yourself. Just give us a little time each day of solid effort and you’re going to skyrocket your training. Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow the video to get your wrists ready for weight bearing
Description: This move begins on your stomach with your arms in the field goal position. You will lead with a foot as you bring a leg up and around into a hip twist. Touch your foot to the floor then push up with your arms as you turn your body around and reach for your straight leg. Hold the hamstring stretch.
Goal: 30 sec x 2 reps each leg
Description: Work these movements for your back mobility
Goal: 10 second holds if holds, 10 reps if reps
Description: Pull yourself up to your nipple line without using momentum. If you cannot make it to nipple line then work negatives by stepping up on a bench or step and controlling the lowering.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps.
Description: This move starts by placing your hands on the ground flat in front of you slightly wider than your shoulders. You will then bring your feet close to your hands to allow your knee cap to lean against your triceps. From there you will lean forward to lessen weight on your feet until you can lift BOTH FEET up off the ground.
Goal: 2 rounds of 3 reps for as long as you can hold.
Description: This move starts by laying on your back. You will then contract your core while lifting your legs and arms just slightly causing your body to become like the bottom of a rocking horse. From there you will USE YOUR CORE to start the rock.
Goal: 2 rounds of 15 rocks.
Description: Stack yourself into a pike handstand with your feet on a supportive surface. Hand walk in a circle 360 deg then reverse to the other direction.
Goal: 2 rounds of 2 rep each direction
Description: Start in the horse stance squat (hips and knees at 90 degrees.) Twist further than 90 degrees to one side allowing the back leg to pass under the front leg, then complete bending the knee to the floor as much as possible.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps each direction.
Description: This move starts laying on the floor with knees bent so feet are flat on the floor. From there you will push through your feet and contract your glutes strongly to lift your hips into a hip bridge. You will hold the hip bridge while you reach across your body to rotate your trunk.
Goal: 2 rounds of 8 reps each side
Description: Work your lower core to lift your legs for future levers and hanging leg lifting mobility strengthening.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Begin in a plank with your feet on sliders or socks on a smooth floor. Use your core to pull your feet towards your hands into a pike as steep as you can go. You will then separate your feet into a straddled pike, then circle your legs around back into a plank.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Begin with your hands on an appropriately high surface to do chair dips off it. Cross one leg over the other into a figure 4. Perform a tricep dip maintaining your elbows as close to your body as you can.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps.
Description: Focus on control to kick towards handstand. You want to start in a lunge, and end landing in the same lunge.
Goal: 2 rounds of 8 reps each leg.
Description: This move starts in a plank position. You then will complete circles at your shoulders where the movement is initiated by the shoulder muscles. Focus on holding your core tight to keep a rounded posture to support your back.
Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps each direction
Description: Walk feet out and squat. Then shift weight to each leg.
Goal: 2 rounds 8 reps per leg
Description: Hang from your pull up in a tucked up position. Straighten your knees into an L extension then return to a tucked up position.
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps
Description: This move begins with sitting on your legs with your toes on a raised surface. You will contract your core and your shoulders to raise your hips and then straighten your legs keeping your core active working to bring your hips over your shoulders without arching your back.
Goal: 2 rounds of 8 reps
Description: Work this move to work your triceps as well as your flexibility. This can be done on the knees if this position is too difficult on the feet
Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps.