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Hey there Dimi! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do give commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with the coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us 45-60 MINUTES 3-5 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal: 1 round at start of workout for warm-up and 1 round at end of workout for cooldown. 10 reps per move for warm-up, 15 reps per move for cool-down
Goal: 15 reps per side.
Description: Hold this position to work your hip range of motion being sure that your hips and knees are in the same line with each other. Start with hands on floor, as you can tolerate, work to get your elbows to floor as shown in this video
Goal: 3 rounds of 30 second holds per side.
Extra Notes: You might not hit 30 seconds each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in standing working to position your hands between your feet as far behind the feet as you can. You will then work to engage your core to keep your hips lifted so that both feet can slide forward working to bring your feet off the floor together.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start facing a wall. Take 1 leg behind you and slide it as shown in this video as you squat down with the leg that is neutral.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps per leg
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in hanging. You will then follow along with this video for the third level of ninja strength kata. Focus on good form and control.
Goal: 3 rounds of 2 reps.
Description: Focus to keep the legs straight and slightly rotated outwards to lessen hip flexor support. You are working to engage your lower core.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps per round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Follow this video for an introduction into kata work. Do each move to the best of your abilities to get your whole body moving.
Goal: 3 rounds of 1 rep of this kata
Description: You will start laying on your back with your hands on the ground, wrists next to wall. You will then squeeze your glutes to lift your hips as you straighten your arms and shoulders. Once you lift fully with arms fully straight, work to shift towards the wall to push your forearms against the wall. You will then lower yourself down to start. This is 1 rep.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 5 reps.
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps or even complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in a horse stance squat (90-90 at hips and knee) with a resistance band at your knees. You will then side-step to 1 side holding the squat position. As you step, you will be sure to lead with your heel not your toes as you step multiple steps. Repeat each direction.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 15 steps per directions
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Complete handstand push-ups with stomach to wall NOT BACK TO WALL as seen in this video. Focus on holding core active like in hollowbody position.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start with something light weight between your hands as you are in a hollowbody position. You will then engage your core to lift your arms and legs to hand the block off to your feet, lower into hollowbody then lift again to hand block off to your hands. This is 1 rep.
Goal: 3 rounds of 15 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 15 reps, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: You will stand on a raised surface with 1 foot while the other foot is on the ground. You will then pulse between the two sides working to push your heel down on the foot that is on the raised surface with each pulse.
Goal: 3 rounds of 30 second pulses per side
Extra Notes: You might not hit 30 seconds each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start sitting on the floor with legs wide. You will then work to lean forward and reach for the floor with your arms (as you can see in the video.) From there, you will allow your hands to touch the floor and pulse forward by allowing your hands to slide forward on the floor each pulse.
Goal: 3 rounds of 1 min holds per round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 1 minute each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start sitting on your shins with arms extended fully. You will then pull strongly to bring your hands towards your chest to then lean forward and transition to the dip position to then complete a dip. Lower yourself down to the starting position.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 3 reps each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in false grip holding your rings. You will then pull as high as you can and pulse up and down there for your reps.
Goal: 3 rounds of 8 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start by engaging your core to bring your knees to your chest. You will then lift your hips to bring them parallel to the ground. From there you will work to open your knees away from your body into a straddled lever position. Repeat this same sequence after pulling your hips through your arms to the backside of the bar being sure to hold shoulders engaged and strongly using your glutes to move your legs for the BACK LEVER
Goal: 3 rounds of 5 reps of each exercise
Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Engage your core to cause your back to round making your body appear to be the bottom of a boat. You will then rock back and forth to work your core even more. DO NOT LOSE YOUR ROUNDING OF YOUR BACK for hollowbody. You will then lay on your stomach and lift your legs and arms holding our arms tight to your ears and squeezing your legs together.
Goal: 3 rounds of 45 second holds per round per exercise
Extra Notes: You might not hit 45 seconds each round, or complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start in a plank position. You will then lean forward causing your shoulders to be past your hands, engaging your core to round your back like “a turtle shell.” You will then hold that position and squeeze your glutes to lift 1 leg off the ground.
Goal: 3 rounds of 3 reps per leg with 10 second holds per rep
Extra Notes: You might not hit 3 reps every round or even complete all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!