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Hey Dawn!  My challenge for you is give me 15-20 minutes per day. We need to establish this as a daily habit and then can add time if your schedule allows. Try to pick the same time every day so it doesn’t become something you dread. This is “Dawn-time” – try to be spent on yourself. For now, just 15-20 minutes. That’s all I ask. I believe in you! – Bethany <3




Description:  This move starts by standing with your feet slightly separated. Keep your knees straight, do a body rolls until your hands touch the door. Walk your hands out to a tall plank position. Use your core to pull yourself back up into a standing position.

Goal:  2 Rounds, 5 reps per leg per round


Description:  This move starts laying on the ground on your stomach.  Then, with your arms flat on the ground above your head with thumbs pointing up to ceiling, squeeze your shoulder blades down and slightly together while you lift your chest up off the ground.  

Goal:  2 Rounds, 10 reps per round

DAWN – Remember: 1. Set your core. Skinny jeans, belly button pulled into spine. 2. Lift head and look at the wall in front of you. 3. Lift arms up. 4. Lift chest up. 


Description: Start sitting with legs spread wide into a split position. Rotate your body towards one leg. Place your hands on either side of your leg with your palms flat onto the ground. Focus on lifting one leg at a time.

*You will need to be sure to hold a strong quad contraction and to point your toes to help the quads maximally engage.*

Goal: 2 rounds of 5 reps per side. 


Description: This is a great coordination move. Begin with your hands on the floor in front of you. You will shift your weight towards your stance leg while straightening out your sweep leg. Begin your sweep out in front of your body and towards your stance leg. Put your weight into your arms and “hop” your stance leg over sweep leg then continue to bring your sweep leg around your body.

Goal: Practice 5 sweeps per leg


Description: Start by laying on your back with your fingertips on the floor to assist with balance. Tighten your core to come up into a V-Up position bringing your knees to your chest.

Goal: 2 Rounds, 8 reps per round.


Description: Begin in a tall plank or push-up position. Lower yourself down into the push-up, put your knees on the floor then do a modified push-up back up. Then come back onto your toes.

Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps. 



Description: This move starts with your back against the wall. You will then slide your hips down so that your hips and knees make 90 degree angles. You will then hold your core tight to keep your back flat against the wall. You will then perform arm angels as the video shows.

*Only move your arms as much as your shoulder blades will allow.*

Goal: 4 reps with 30 second holds per rep


Description: Begin in a pike position with your legs straight and booty in the air. Rotate your body and shoulders to come into a table top position. Focus on keeping your hips up throughout and do not let your booty drop down.

Goal: 10 reps


Description: Start with your knees bent and slowly lower your body to the floor (without relaxing). Perform a sit up back to the top. The key here is a tight core throughout and make sure you lower yourself SLOWLY.

Goal: 2 rounds of 8 reps


Description: This move starts in standing. You will hold the towel with 1 arm that will lift above your head causing the towel to be placed behind your back. Then with the other arm you will reach behind your back for the towel. Work your hands towards each other using the towel as a guide to bring them closer together. When you have reached as closely together as you can, use the upper hand to pull the towel slightly up to give an extra stretch to the lower hand behind your back.

Goal: 2 reps each arm with 15 second holds


Description: This stretch begins while sitting on the edge of a supporting surface. Straighten one leg and bring your toes up. Keep your back straight while leaning forward over your straight leg. You should feel a strong stretch in the back of your thigh. 

Goal: 30 second holds x 4 reps each leg

Extra Notes: To lengthen the hamstrings you need longer hold times compared to other muscle groups. It is recommended to get at least two minutes of holds in for each leg. 

If you feel the stretch more in your calf than in your thigh, please point your toes down and let Bethany know. 



Description: Start by tucking your chin to your chest, then rounding your shoulders and continue rolling down to end with your body bent in half and your hands as low to the ground as possible.

Goal: 10 body rolls slow and controlled


Description: This move starts by placing your head on the floor (can use a yoga block or pillow to make this more comfortable). You will then put your hands on the ground flat in front of you slightly wider than your shoulders. Bring your feet close to your hands to allow your inner thigh near your knees to lean against your elbows.

Goal: 5 reps for as long as you can hold.


Description: Start on elbows in plank. Squeeze your core and booty as you rotate your hips over left and right to target your obliques. One rep = rotation left AND right 🙂

Goal: 2 rounds of 10 reps


Description: Begin in a tall plank position with a hollowback. Without picking up your feet (socks on a tile/wood floor is perfect), use your core to pull your knees between your arms and to your chest. Then push out back into a tall plank. Keep a hollowbody the entire time. The faster you goal, the more cardio benefit you get.

Goal: 2 rounds of 15 reps (the faster you go, the more cardio it is!) 🙂 


Description: Do the bear walk down the hallway. Your core should be engaged the entire time to keep your back flat. To make it harder, keep your knees as close to the floor as possible!

Goal: 2 rounds of 25 feet


Description: This stretch starts by sitting with good posture. Place the bottoms of your feet together and pull them in close to your pelvis. Use your elbows/hands to push your knees down towards the floor.

Goals: 15 second holds x 5 reps.

Extra Notes: If you feel a deep pinch in your hip or lower back/pelvis, please let me know.



Description: lay on your back with your legs as the video shows (in a N-sit). You will then switch your legs over the opposite direction. Hold for 10 seconds then switch back to the other direction.

Goal: 10 second holds x 10 reps each direction.

Extra Notes: keep your core intact so your lower back is not arches. Keep your lower back on the floor the entire time.


Description: This move starts in a squatted position. Try to get as close to a horse stance (hips and knees at 90 degrees) as you are able to do. Stay down in the squat and step your leg out then back in. Switch legs.

Goal: 2 rounds, 10 reps each leg

Extra Notes: You may have to come up between reps and that is okay. Listen to your body and keep good form.


Description: This move starts in a side plank position.Keep your top leg straight and lift it up as high as you can. Lower your top leg back down to gently rest on your bottom leg.

Goal: 2 Rounds, 5 reps each side per round

Extra Notes: You might not hit 5 reps every round or even do all 2 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!

C STANDS - Hehe.. we will see what you think 🙂

Description: Start with your elbows on the floor and feet behind (modified push-up position). You then will kick-up your feet to the wall allowing your back to arch while keeping your legs bent.

*Be sure to look down at your hands as you complete this move.*

DAWN – you will start by only being like 1.5 feet away from the wall

Goal: 5 attempts


Description: This move starts in a sight lunge position. Then you contract your abs to lessen the arch of the lower back and lean forward allowing your hips to open.
Focus on not allowing your back to arch as you lean forward.

Goal: 15 sec hold x 3 reps each leg

For when you need a little extra flexibility...


Description:  Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.

Goal: 10 second holds per move for warm-up, 30 second holds per move for cool-down