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Hey there Daniel! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do is give commitment and a wee bit ‘o courage. Talk with your coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us ~45-60 MINUTES 3-5 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow along with this video for a full-body flexibility training.
Goal: 1 round of each move
Description: Start by inverting your body holding onto a bar or the underside of a couch/bed. Then lower your body keeping your core active to lessen any hip bending. You then will lift your body back up to an inverted position. **You can allow your knees to bend and touch the floor if you cannot lower and return to inverted position without.
Goal: 4 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Start with hands flat on the floor. Walk feet near hands and lean knees against bent elbows. Lean forward to increase weight on hands then lift the legs to balance. Maintain that forward lean with hips stacked over your hands and shoulders and then lift 1 leg up off the elbows and return with control.
Goal: 4 rounds of 5 reps
Description: Start standing with feet wider than your shoulders. Then squat as deep as you can. You will then shift towards one side and sweep the opposite leg in front and then back to the side. Shift to the other side and repeat.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps each direction
Description: Begin in a lunge with your arms up to your ears. Kick up to a handstand using your back leg and land with your lead leg.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3 reps each leg
Description: Begin in your V frog stand. Using your core, pull your hips back and through into a v stand. Regain your balance and then pull back through into a frog stand.
Goal: 4 rounds of 4 reps each position
Description: Perform a handstand wall walk up with your belly towards the wall. Stack hips over your shoulders and slowly let legs slide down the wall. As legs come down, bend your elbows and allow knees to land on triceps. Push back up into the starting position.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3-5 reps
Description: Start in sitting with legs wide. You will then place 1 hand on each side of 1 leg. You will then lean forward working your core compression while strongly pushing through your triceps to lift your bottom. Once your bottom is off the ground, you will then work to lift both legs up and off the ground by crunching your core.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3 reps each direction x 5 second holds
Description: Get into a handstand with your belly towards the wall, core tight and back not arched. Carefully bend and straighten your elbows to perform a handstand push-up. With time and strength, bend your elbows deeper to perform a full push-up.
Goal: 4 rounds of 5-8 reps
Description: Stand with the pole on one of your sides. Hold the leg further away from the pole out in front of you. Cross one leg over the other, and perform a pistol squat as far down as you can control with help form the pole for balance.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps each leg
Description: Perform pull up to chest maintaining hollowbody position.
Goal: 4 rounds of max reps
Description: Begin by doing a handstand wall walk up. Bring your “stance” foot to your hip height so you are in a piked handstand. Touch the floor with your other foot then raise it back up straight into a handstand. Your stance foot remains in the same place throughout all your reps.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps each leg
Description: Begin in your L-stand. *Do not lose your turtle shell or compression! Squeeze your shoulder blades down and back while you begin contracting your core maximally to rock your feet up.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 rocks
Description: Begin in an elbow plank holding your hollowbody. Slides your feet towards one elbow to get an oblique crunch.
Goal: 4 rounds of 10 reps each side
Description: Keeping legs wide, use core to lift hips while legs got outside of arms. Slow controlled descent back to starting position.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps
Description: Start lying on your back then push up to a bridge position. Slow and controlled, alternate between lifting each arm and each leg off the floor.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3 reps each limb
Description: This is your introduction to kata training!
Goal: 1-2 reps regularly