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Hey there Connor! Here’s your CUSTOM TRAINING PROGRAM. All you have to do is give commitment and a wee bit ‘o courage. Talk with your coach and the community to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. Just give us 45-60 MINUTES 3-5 days a week to skyrocket your results! Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Extra Notes: You might not hit every rep or round, that’s ok! FORM over REPS. It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Do these stretches to get your body warmed up and ready to go!
Goal: 10 seconds per move if holds, 10 reps if reps
Description: Work your coordination and core to start into parkour running movements as seen in this video.
Goal: 4 rounds of 10 reps
Description: Support yourself with a pole. Move one leg behind then squat on standing leg as shown in this demo video
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps each direction
Description: Start in a crouched position with hands flat and leg pointed out to the side. Sweep the leg in front of you and under your hands and supporting leg.
Goal: 4 rounds of 4 reps each side
Description: Begin with one foot in the air and your body in a pike position. Perform a push up assuring only your elbows/shoulders are moving but you are keeping the angle at your hips the same.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 push ups
Description: Start in a plank position with feet at the wall. You will then lift 1 leg and walk in as seen in the demo video to work on your hip range of motion.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps each leg
Description: This move begins in hanging with your legs in a straddle. Maintain the straddle as you use your lower core to raise your legs up and towards your head as far as you can without using momentum.
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps
Description: Hold your knees to your chest as you use your triceps and core to lift your hips up and forward. DO NOT LET YOUR FEET TOUCH BETWEEN REPS
Goal: 4 rounds of 15 reps
Description: Start lying on your back then push up to a bridge position. Shift weight into you hands working to push your forearms against the wall
Goal: 4 rounds of 5 reps
Description: Start in a tuck planche plank position with feet on a yoga block. You will then engage your core to bring your knees to your chest without lifting your hips higher than your head.
Goal: 4 rounds of 3 reps with 10 sec holds per rep
Description: Get into a balanced frog position. You will then work to hold your core and engage your glutes to kick back and land in a plank position.
Goal: 4 rounds of 5 reps
Description: Start in hanging. You will then work to lift your legs to the bar to touch your feet between your hands with your legs as straight as possible to build your core strength for levers
Goal: 4 rounds of 8 reps
Description: Start in a straddle position with hands on the ground. You will then lean forward and tuck yourself strongly to roll through using your core and arms to return to standing with hands between your legs.
Goal: 4 rounds of 7 rolls
Description: Work on controlled kicking to handstand as seen in this demo. Work to land on the same leg as you kicked from for that control
Goal: 4 rounds of 10 reps per side
Description: Start in the horse stance squat (hips and knees at 90 degrees.) Twist further than 90 degrees to one side allowing the back leg to pass under the front leg, then complete bending the knee to the floor as much as possible.
Goal: 4 rounds of 10 reps each direction
Description: Lay on your back and engage your core to attain a hollow body position with bent knee as shown in this video. You will then rock holding this hollow position throughout the rocks
Goal: 4 rounds of 30 rocks per round
Description: Work this movement to increase your core and shoulder strength as well as you hip range of motion for flares.
Goal: 4 rounds, 8 reps per direction
Description: Work this move for lateral movements as you fly through the air 🙂
Goal: 10 reps per direction