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This workout is going to focus on high volume and long hold times – push yourself and have fun! 🙂
Description: This move starts with both of your palms face up holding onto a resistance band. The closer your hands are together, the more resistance the band will provide. 1. Set your shoulder blades back and down. Hold this contraction throughout the exercise. 2. Externally rotate your shoulders to pull your hands apart from each other.
Goal: 1 round of 20 reps
Extra Notes: I do not expect this one to feel crazy hard or make you out of breath. This is a deep strengthening to reposition the resting position of your shoulder blade and Humerus. It will take time to see if it’s working. Please stay consistent with it. You got this! 🙂
Description: This moves starts by you tying a knot in your resistance band and shutting it in a door at elbow height. Roll a hand towel as demonstrated and placed under your armpit. Grab the band with your palm up. The closer you are to the door, the harder the resistance will be.1. Set your shoulder blades back and down. Hold this contraction throughout the exercise. 2. Internally rotate your shoulder to pull your band to your belly button.
Goal: 1 rounds of 20 reps
Description: Grab behind your ankles and straighten your legs into a pike position. Use your core and hold tight compression.
Goal: 1 round of 2 reps x 60 seconds
Description: This move starts in a plank position. You then will complete circles at your shoulders where the movement is initiated by the shoulder muscles. Focus on holding your core tight to keep a rounded posture to support your back.
Goal: 1 round x 30 seconds each direction
Description: Begin by separating your feet further than hip width with your arms out to the side. Squat to 90 degrees or lower and HOLD.
Goal: 1 rounds of 2 reps x 60 second holds
Description: This move starts in a side plank position. You then will lift your hips from the floor to be neutral with your shoulders and back down. when on your left arm, you will take your right leg and position in front of you on the floor to lessen side discomfort. Focus on holding your core tight to keep your spine as neutral as possible.
Goal: 1 round x 45 seconds each side
Description: Begin in a hollowbody plank on your elbows. Use your core to pull your knees up and through your elbows into a crunch. Return to a plank.
Goal: 1 round of 25 reps 🙂
Description: Laying on your back with feet flat on the floor. Place the band around your knees. Contract core so back becomes flat on the floor. Then lift both hips by squeezing your bottom. Push outwards slightly with knees against elastic band to increase the glutes participation. **Be sure to not arch your back to try and lift higher. Keep core engaged to support back.**
Goal: 1 round of 30 reps 🙂