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Hey there Alan! Here’s your custom program which includes multiple stretching and strengthening exercises. All you have to do is a little each day with commitment, a wee bit ‘o courage, and talking with your coach to keep moving forward and making tremendous progress. We will give you the explicit instructions to follow to maximize your training while keeping you from injuring yourself. Just give us a couple minutes each day of solid effort and you’re going to skyrocket your training. Thanks for being part of the community and we’re looking forward to everything you’re going to achieve!
Description: Follow along with this video until 5:35 of the video for a nice spine mobility activity.
Goal: 1 round at start of workout for warm-up and 1 round at end of workout for cooldown. Do each move for 5 reps
Extra Notes: It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This move starts standing with your hands on your counter. The first few times you do this, you will have your forearm on the counter as well. You will then walk your feet backwards away from the counter and then bend at your hips. This makes your hands be raised “above” your head to increase your shoulder range of motion. Hold the raised position for a count of 5 then return to standing.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 8 reps per round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This move starts in standing. You will hold the towel with 1 arm that will lift above your head causing the towel to be placed behind your back. Then with the other arm you will reach behind your back for the towel. Work your hands towards each other using the towel as a guide to bring them closer together. When you have reached as closely together as you can, use the upper hand to pull the towel slightly up to give an extra stretch to the lower hand behind your back.
*Hold the pull for a count of 3-5 to give a little extra stretch
Goal: 3 Rounds, 10 reps per round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This move starts in a plank position with your hands on a raised surface and your feet on the ground. You will then rotate your shoulders using the muscles of the shoulders to move you in circular motions.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 5 reps per direction round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This move starts in standing. 1 arm at a time, make circles at the shoulder working to be slow and controlled while maximizing the range of motion you are moving through.
**Start with clockwise circles, then transition to counterclockwise circles.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 10 reps per direction, per round, per arm
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This move starts by laying on your back. You will then contract your core while lifting your legs and arms just slightly causing your body to become like the bottom of a rocking horse. From there you will lift your legs up slightly to start the rock, holding your core tight throughout to ensure you keep a rounded body posture.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 8 reps per round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: This move starts by laying on your stomach. You will then contract your core while lifting your legs and arms just slightly causing your body to become like the bottom of a rocking horse. From there you will lift your legs up slightly to start the rock, holding your core tight throughout to ensure you keep a rounded body posture.
Goal: 3 Rounds, 8 reps per round
Extra Notes: You might not hit 8 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!
Description: Start laying on your back with your feet flat on the ground with hips and knees bent. Then allow your hands to rest on your legs. From there you will crunch the shoulders up by contracting the core strongly reaching your hands up to your knees.
Goal: 3 rounds of 10 reps
Extra Notes: You might not hit 10 reps every round or even do all 3 rounds, that’s ok! It may start small but will build each week to continue to maximize your gains. You got this!